Thursday, June 3, 2010

June 3 Seminar to the Faculty of Biology and BioTechnology at the University of L'Aquila

Today's second lecture was to the faculty Biotechnology in the Department of Biology. Many of their labs were damaged by the earthquake in 2009. They are rebuilding and re-equiping their labs in smaller but nice space in a building that had minimal structural damage. The faculty gave me a tour of their labs and we discussed projects and potential commercialization projects that they are working on. My seminar was titled: "The potential impact of biotechnology and biology in the creation of spin-off and start-up activities" with an introduction about "The University and its contribution to recovery in disaster area". The faculty and PhD students were very interested the role LSU played in both disaster recovery and disaster response. Again the oil spill has taken their interest as it is international news. I have been receiving updated information from my staff and the US / Louisiana media so that I have been able to update my presentations. Since this seminar was to the Biology faculty, their interest was on the long term impact of the spill on the food supply and health issues resulting from the spill.

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