Friday, May 28, 2010

Weekend trip to Florence

What perfect timing, the Florence Gelato Festival was held this weekend and I collected a lot of ideas for Corrado DiMartino of Baton Rouge's Latte e Meile Gelateria.

With the weekend off, I traveled to Florence by almost every possible mode of transportation. Car from Bank of Italy meeting to L'Aquila bus station, bus to Rome, subway to Rome Train Station, train to Florence and cab to hotel in Florence. This is not a trip for the weak of heart. Florence is beautiful and full of life, I imagine the way L'Aquila was before the quake. By comparing a vibrant Italian town to the current situation in L'Aquila, it is easy to see the affects of the earthquake. The earthquake took the heart out of L'Aquila and took away its historic center city with all the quaint streets, shops, churches, hotels and restaurants and the hub of the Universita degli Studi dell'Aquila. I have been told that the students would gather in the square and it was a social, business, academic and residential hub for the city. Today it is barricaded and guarded by the military and fire department and during the day, construction crews are busy working to return it to its life. Now Pictures of Florence:

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